You have heard of this, but if not- you WANT to know about it.

This past weekend I honored a legend with some besties, we took in the Nora Ephron play that stars Tom Hanks, and “The dude from Law&Order” and “Hannah’s Dad”… just kidding guys, they have real names- I just don’t know them.   The play was PHENOMENAL…as was the meal at ABC kitchen, per usual…. but these things were not important– What WAS important was wandering into before brunch….

Having just made the cross through the tunnel… it was a welcome chuckle, and turns out- we need some serving items for Pool Season.

They are always inventive over at Fish, but this takes the cake in my opinion. I present “Tunnel Vision”.  Way to help a girl fit in with her new stereotype.  Bravo, to a long time favorite.


DIY time.

I know, weird, you think I would have been all set to do this crap in the winter… but the ice and snow make you hibernate to the point of your creativity as well…. but not now!  Not when I have all of the windows open, it’s in the upper 60’s, and I am motivated.   I just spray painted some knobs, going to have the hub task em’ out, and add new ones to the Dresser… and the Bedroom will be well on her way.

We are gifting ourselves California Closets (Weirdly, it’s not as expensive as one may have thought) and we are pretty PUMPED to get everything in it’s rightful place.

Now we just need another Nursery color that goes with “Dwell Studio Charcoal Dots” and my ultimate DIY love can begin….  I can’t give away what the nature of that color might be, I know who reads this blog!

Hoping to stroll down to the Thistle Hill Tavern Thistle Hill Tavern – Park Slope Brooklyn, NY to hear a bagpipe band around 6, so it’s time to get started on the shrimp and bacon chowder.  That IS, obviously what one would eat on the Irish Coast, Obvs.

Loving the weather, Loving the Hood,  I know it’s cliche, but Life is good!


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The After, Coming SOON!!!

Blog love day.

Being 78% done with our renovation (Puuuush, Puuuuush)  I still read my blogs and look how to “finish” each room.  Like we really need the giant gold piggy bank, but where will it go??  Ok, more pressing issues than that. but… not much.     It’s been fun going through, selling off, and saying goodbye to great stuff, but I know in the end, with some trial and error (WTH can I get a bathroom non fugly cabinet/shelf?!)  Each room will really sing “Us”, for however long we may be here.  Stay tuned in a couple of months for some severe Before and After shots!   It takes a village people!

Searching for Great Bedrooms on AP….

A beautiful home in one of my favorite cities, Copenhagen on DS… for some color…..


Looking for Art on 20×200

Flora #2

YES (You Complete the Picture)

Get inspired with Decor8’s Blog Roll…. Get distracted I mean….

decor8 » Blogroll: A-M

These are SUPER useful, needed, and fantastical.

On the hunt for a Jewelry solution, and stumbled across bluebirdheaven on ETSY, and well…. see for yourself.  It’s so amazing for this girl that loves letterpress and organizing.  I’d love to figure out where I could put this and get my stuff out of shoeboxes and drawers, and um… have you untangle it for me.    They are old printers Drawers, Made in Kentucky.

Printers Drawer Jewelry DisplayPrinters Drawer Jewelry DisplayPrinters Drawer Jewelry Display

Printers Drawer Jewelry DisplayPrinter Drawer Jewelry Display

Cabin Fever.

Literally.    I feel like I have been home for a decade all in a row… and I found a cabin fever sale on Mod Cloth Apartment Decor | Mod Retro Indie Decor & Home Accessories | Cuteness.  It’s like Urban Outfitery, without actually being Urban….well, b/c I am just against that place.   There are crazy Cat Lady milk bottles. Obvs need.  Also, The Cat Teepee is pretty much just a WHERE???????

The Purr-fect Place in TipiToo Cute to Scoot PaperclipsDiamonds on Your Doorstep Mat in MonoEssential Vita-pins Push Pin SetCat Crazy Bottle SetParty Time! Excellent! ClockVintage Ice, Ice Bucket

We are trying to do this, you should too.

Made in America Challenge (The AP link)

I was watching Diane Sawyer and was shocked to learn that if we all spent just over $3 on products MADE WHERE WE LIVE …We could really start to create jobs in America and promote crafting in the USA-  I heart the CRAFTING.  I heart the Artists, I heart things that could help people right next door.

Things like this:

The Calvin from Room and Board MADE IN OREGON. Calvin Cubbies – Calvin Two-Drawer Four-Cubby Storage

This couch by Younger Furniture.

End Tables

End Tables from TOLWoodworksLLC on ETSY

Still searching for our rooster to roost.

This is quite a long story, but not a very complicated one.  We lived in a furnished sublease, there was a giant cow painting.  We were like, we need a mascot…. (Mandolin Frog and Drag Queen Rooster were too expensive in Key West) but in New Orleans and Key West and Nashville there were so many roosters, we decided there needed to be one in our house.  On a pillow, on a painting… problem is, we have been looking for years and it can’t be just any ol’ Rooster… it has to be THE ROOSTER.    The Hunt continues….

Rooster 468 12x12 inch original oil painting by Roz

Roz@ETSY  Unitedthread@ETSY

Black and White Chicken - Limited Edition Print

Golden Eye.

Trying to use gold in the bedroom.  Seems elegant, adult, and well… luxurious without being annoying.  I don;t really mean gold… Like an antique brass, linen, and dark grey pallete that says– WE ARE ALMOST IN OUR MID 30’s, and we ain’t scrrrrrrrd.

Adler Light (Obvs) taking place of my disaster one i bought (Sorrrrrrrrry)

Matchy Mirror.

Matches the dining room.

Bahhhh, I’m all over the place- but I swear this will work!!